Biolefin is an Oxo-biodegradable plastic: a degradable and compostable plastic in which the degradation results from the action of naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae.
100% biodegradable (Oxo-biodegradable) wrap that quickly bio-degrades into food for bacteria and other microorganisms after entering the environment.
It does not degrade into micro plastics! Biolefin, both biodegradable and compostable, is now a reality- allowing you to make the right decision for your product and your world.
Oxo-biodegradation is recognized as a two-stage process. Oxo-biodegradable plastics do not simply disintegrate into smaller pieces of plastic that pollute the environment. Oxo-biodegradable plastics use a technology that is based on the well understood but slow reaction of conventional plastics with the oxygen in the air. The incorporation of Totally Degradable Plastic Additives (TDPA) accelerates this reaction in a very controlled way. This causes the products to physically disintegrate in an acceptable time period when they are exposed to air and sunlight or heat.
The products of this degradation, which continues after physical changes to the film are seen, are not just small pieces of the original plastic but are chemically completely different. They are significantly oxidized, denser and hydrophilic. These degradation products are highly susceptible to biodegradation by microorganisms that are naturally present in the environment and their biodegradation has been demonstrated in independent peer-reviewed studies.
This allows the return of the original plastic to the eco-cycle. Biodegradation occurs over a period of 1-3 years, comparable with most natural materials and completely satisfactory from an environmental viewpoint.
But, Biolefin TM is very different. It contains an additive that turns a normally environmentally persistent plastic into one that biodegrades without harm in record time. Biolefin Shrink Wrap is made from corn, cassava, and other crops, obtained by microbial fermentation and extraction to obtain lactic acid, which is then refined, dehydrated and oligomerized, pyrolyzed and polymerized.
The manufacturer ( national shrink wrap in a reseller, not the manufacturer) claims It is a compostable and biodegradable film that is fully bio-based rather than traditional oil-based, having excellent biodegradability and can be completely degraded by microorganisms in the soil within one year after disposal, producing CO2 and water, and does not pollute the environment.
Not for use in MI, MD & CA.
There is a great deal of confusion between oxo-degradable and oxo-biodegradable products, and because of the similarity in their names, they were often lumped together. Oxo-degradable and oxo-biodegradable are terms related to plastics, but they are distinct and sometimes cause confusion. Essentially, oxo-degradable plastics break down into smaller pieces (microplastics) through oxidation, while oxo-biodegradable plastics aim to break down further through the action of microorganisms.
Bottom line, oxo-degradable products, like the corn-based films used on bottle-wraps for sports drinks etc., degrade...only to leave microscopic plastic particulate in the wake of the degradation.
Oxo-Biodegradable, on the other hand, depends on microbial and bacterial action to render the resulting biomass free of any plastic, with the end product functionally the same as if it were produced from the breakdown of vegetation. Three states have banned the use of individual products bearing the phrase "Biodegradable" mostly to protect consumers from fraudulent claims.
Walmart settled with the state of California to the tune of $1,000,000, for products they sold throughout the state that bore the phrase. I don't think threre was anything as noteworthy in either MI or MD... but who wants to test the waters?
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