We are looking for someone responsible, "bubbly" (pun intended) and great at teaching people about our Bath and Body Products, to do POP Up events and Markets. This is a solo position where you would be running your own booth. If you enjoy taking the reins and running the show alone, this is the job for you. No Manager hounding over your shoulder, and no corporate banter. A peaceful and very entertaining job.
The Benefits of Working Outdoors and a Solo Position like this:
Availability - We're looking for people who can work mostly on weekends and be committed to that every week. We typically have outdoor and some indoor events in and around St.Lucie, Martin, Indian River and Palm Beach Counties within Florida. Sometimes events come up that are further away.
We are constantly evolving and adding new events. As always, sometimes extra events pop up on a moment's notice.
If you’re a people person and if you would like to become a part of our Pop Up Team, please CLICK THE "LEARN MORE & APPLY" to learn more about the POP- UP event position.
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